Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How China has changed since the C.C.P (Chinese Communist Party) Essay

During this piece of coursework I shall look at how China has changed since the C.C.P (Chinese Communist Party) took power in 1949. I shall look at the differences and similarities between Mao and Dung’s social economic and political policies. In 1949 Mao won the civil war against the Guomintang and declared China communist. Many problems faced the C.C.P. the Guomintang had taken all of China’s gold reserves with them to Taiwan the civil war had left the country crippled with schools and factories destroyed and the nation had been divided up amongst warriors. Mao realised that one of his key aims must be to unite the country and utilise its vast population to boost economic productivity. Mao aimed to achieve this with several campaigns. The first of these was the agrarian reform. Mao took the land off the rich landlords and gave it to the peasants. He also introduced the speak bitterness campaigns these were meetings where peasants would denounce theie land owners. However in a trend that we see repeated on many occasions during the C.C.P time In power the people go too far and the meetings turn violent often ending with the landlords execution . Over 2 million landowners were estimated to have been killed at these meetings. However what Mao began to realise was that the peasants simply did not have the recourses necessary for independent ownership so the C.C.P decided to form Co-operatives these involved 15 to 20 peasants pooling there recourses and working together on the land so although the peasants still technically owned the land they had little say in what happened there. The land was been run on their behalf by the C.C.P. Mao’s plane also included boosting the production of steel coal and machinery he aimed to do this with the five year plan’s factories all over china would be set targets to achieve which they must achieve during each five year plan the idea was that all of china’s workforce would focus on one thing so in the first five year plan it was steel and the production of steel would increase. However these plans failed manly because workers were all paid an equal amount regardless of how much work they did so there was little incentive to work hard therefore many people decided to simply not bother. This was also not helped when at the end of the five year plan factory workers worried about possible punishments from the C.C.P for not reaching targets lied about overall production.This meant it took the C.C.P a long time to spot the problems. When they finally scrapped the plans Mao introduced the great leap forward the idea was to overtake Britain within ten years and America in 20. The great leap forward meant more moving around for peasants they were now formed into Communes. These were vast farms with thousands of families some times working on them food halls and nurseries and homes of happiness were set up to allow both parents to work without looking after the old the ill the young or cooking this allowed every body to work full time. Mao also introduced the backyard steel campaign in a attempt to increase the production of steel the idea was that people would make steel after work in small furnaces on each of there streets the plan was a disaster most of the steel made was impure and useless they had also torn up railway lines to melt down to make the steel meaning any of the steel that was useful was stuck there. Eventually the great leap forward hit a major snag the people once again had over exaggerated production this proved to be very costly on the farms. In an attempt to show the people how well the C.C.P were doing they gave out food like mad they were making plenty however that year China had some of the worst weather ever. Many crops were destroyed and twenty million people starved to death.This spelt the end for the great leap forward After Mao’s death Deng took power in China. Deng unlike Mao was a moderate communist and could see China’s problems caused by the great the great leap forward he realised the need for western ideas. This meant that the party were no longer really sure whether they were communist or not a quote to back this up would be â€Å"Not even the party sounds very convinced by communism any more. At the last party congress in 1997 members approved a written statement that achieving communism might take several tens of generations†. He allowed western companies to set up factories in china and allowed students go abroad to study People were also given incentives for working well such as bonuses. He also disbanded the communes and allowed peasant farmers to sell there extra produce independently on markets for a profit. He also introduced more consumer goods to allow the Chinese people to spend there extra money on. A quote to back this up would be â€Å"In particular they will need to satisfy the hopes of a powerful growing class of people in private business the exploiters†. Deng also introduced a ten year plan a longer term plan he had four modernisations he wanted to modernise 1. Agriculture 2. Industry 3. Defence 4. Science In industry everything would still belong to the state but factories would now be allowed to use profit to improve there factories. The source used from the economist is not very reliable it is a western magazine meaning it would not have had accesses to Chinese officials and as a western magazine it will be very one sided and look to slag the C.C.P off as much as possible. There were several differences between Mao and Dung Mao was more of a dreamer and wanted success quickly Dung however realised that things in china were in a relatively dire state and was more realistic and patient with his ideas. Deng realised he needed to introduce some western ideas. Mao rejected anything vaguely western as evil and counter revolutionary. However there were certain similarities. both planned for the future and introduced long term plans with Mao’s five year plan and Deng’s ten year plan. However I feel that this shows that Mao wanted success more quickly (5 years plan) and was more impatient and Deng was ambitious but more realistic about the time scale it would take for China to compete (ten year plan). Mao had some very strong political views as we see in many cases we see the C.C.P stirring the people up into a frenzy the people going to far and then being crushed. The C.C.P main aim was to stay in power there was no vote anybody who opposed them or spoke critically of them or were judged to be counter revolutionary were punished. In 1957 Mao realised the people were becoming frustrated so in attempt to let them let of steam he introduced the hundred flowers a campaign designed to let the people critics or as Mao said let a hundred flowers bloom. The campaign was a disaster Mao was taken aback by the huge amount of critics so the campaign was crushed and it was made illegal to critics the C.C.P. In 1963 Mao was beginning to lose power so in a attempt to regain it he formed a cult based around himself.He attempted to brain wash the children and form them into a private army for the future(the red guard) The cult also included Mao’s little red book quotes from chairman Mao. This all ultimately lead to the cultural revolution the red guard begin sweeping across China killing anybody non communist trashing anything capitalist. This went one for years but eventfully they went too far and Mao sent in the army to restore order once the red guard had served its purpose. Mao also planned to unite with the U.S.S.R the other communist nation. This was done with the treaty of friendship allegiance and mutual assistance however rift soon formed between China and Russia. Mao wanted the rest of the world to be communist and after the war in Korea and issue over border territories Russia and china fell out. Mao also feared attack by America so began strengthening his military and experimenting with nuclear weapons. Deng was not much different from Mao in many ways he used the people to his own advantage and then disposed of them when Deng was trying to gain power in china he used the democracy wall he told people to hang up posters showing their criticism of the C.C.P. Once in power he simply tore it down and made critics illegal again. However there was one unique event. During Tianemann square the people had whipped them selves up into a frenzy but to the same result a bloody ending. Deng also realised he would need to extended the arm of friendship to the west so began making allegiance with America and Britain these lead to the return of Hong Kong and Nixon’s visit in 1972. The U.N also finally recognised the C.C.P as China’s real government. The main link between the two leaders is the way they use the people to their own gain both whip the people up and then put them down once they have served their purposes The main difference between the men was on foreign policy Mao only joined with over communist countries Deng however realised that he needed to stabilize relations with the west. Mao believed that all people were equal including women so he changed the marriage laws and gave women equal rights as men, property of married couples was now shared. Mao also united the peasants in campaigns such as the speak bitterness urging them to get involved Mao also controlled all media so all was propaganda meaning the people only ever saw or heard good things about the C.C.P even old operas and films were changed to make the C.C.P look good. Deng was much more tolerant and allowed the old operas to be reintroduced as part of Chinese’s past also he allowed western entertainment films and books. Deng also reintroduced rank into the army but the key issue was the one child policy. Deng realised that the population was becoming so large that the country would starve to death in twenty years unless something was done so the one child policy was introduced – if you had more than one child you lost benefits, money, housing with all these things going to families with one child this lead to a huge increase in abortions and even babies (usually girls) being dumped on the street to die. There were rewards offered if you became sterilised,however this was difficult to monitor many children simple were not registered and in the country families needed to be large to work the farms. Babies lying dead in the street are not a uncommon sight â€Å"The body of a newborn baby lies dead in the gutter ignored by passers by as if she was a piece of rubbish† This tells us that this is something people are accustomed to not uncommon. However this source is not reliable as it is a western newspaper so having little access to china or officials wanting to make the communists sound worse than they are and also can’t sympathise for the killing of babies as it would lose readers. There is little similarity between their social policies – Mao is very cagey and worried about anything western where as Deng realises that the people want things to spend there money on. Deng also acknowledges Chinas past were as Mao tries to remove it. Deng also attempts to tackle the rising population and actually says that there is a problem, something Mao never did. Mao’s impact on China is absolutely immense. China still today is communist and despite some of his economic fallings they began a new era for China. Mao united China under one government and kept it that way and began turning a country nobody really cared about into one of the most powerful on earth. Deng continued what Mao begin and by finally embracing certain western ideas took China to a new level of power. Without the communist party and Mao and Deng it is difficult to see China being as powerful as it is today so yes they had a huge influence on China today.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why fashion is important

Some, of us were born loving fashion and some just weren't. Whether you love it or hate it your personal style and fashion is very important to whom you are as a person. Why? Because it reflects you as an individual; beside when you look good, you feel good! Fashion can transform your personality I mean isn't it amazing how clothes can make a person? Have you, ever heard the phrase â€Å"you are what you wear†? YES! Yes because more than 20%of us hare this phrase on a day to day bias. Our clothes tell us who we are in a society and tell others about our personalities, our wants, needs, talents, dispositions and destination. It has been said by Mrs. Rosie Montage, professor of social psychology that 98% of what we say does not come from our mouth. If so then clothing is a very silent but tremendously powerful communicator. It can camouflage or cover up; it can build or destroy an image, it can say â€Å"I am as good as you†, â€Å"I have the same interest†, â€Å"I am important†, â€Å"I am not important† or even â€Å"I take myself and work too seriously! But by judging someone based on their appearance makes them feel inferior. Why? Because you are assuming that you know them better than they know themselves; that's just deceitful as every single human sees the world through different eyes! Never the less appearance is all so essential as it is the only visible clue to individuals, individuality, which has now become a mean for us humans to evaluate others. We simply do this by assessing the outfit the person is wearing the moment they enter a room. The majority, of you properly think that fashion is all about fancy clothes, long snake skin stilettos hills and gorgeous models. But to be honest it is an industry that provides a form of earning and future for more than 25% of people in our society. As we all know fashion is an enormous industry which contributes the economy y by providing employment for people like textile workers, designers, manufactures, shopkeepers and models. Bar braking into the industry is remarkably hard due to this most workers at the base of the hierarchal chart do not gain as much income over the years. For instance we often see on TV models looking luxurious and wealthy but that's far from reality as 5% suffer from eating disorders as they try to fulfil the designer's demands and also compete for the number one spot of top model! One thing that really irritates me about our society today is the atrocious attitude that some individuals have towards the fashion industry. You do know that fashion is not all about clothes, shoes, and make up and that there is a scientific side to it; your properly wondering how? Well new materials such as nylon, Orlon and Dacron were found by fashion designers. These materials are known used in most product processing industry all over the world! Although fashion designers got to the new materials first many argue that scientist would have properly discovered the source first if fashion did not interfere! Fashion. Well what is it? It's a sweet demon deep inside every single one of us which fills our lives with exotic colours and out of this world creation! But why do I want you to believe its so important, because it send out a message of permutes importance to not just our peers but to other individuals we do not talk to directly; Believe it or not statistics show that being well dressed is psychologically important because confident in our appearances leads to confident in our success in life and if your that one person who doesn't care about fashion and style then your really not living to your full potentials!

Monday, July 29, 2019

Productive assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Productive assessment - Essay Example As a result he was able to see the different features and benefits that each product had to offer. Consequently, he could deduce the marketing rationale of why a certain model was more or less than another and what features one could expect to find on the model in the lower, median, and high end price ranges. Dee Fink of the Oklahoma Instructional Development Program labels this approach â€Å"Doing† because Donald’s exposure to the products permits him to categorize them and create an appropriate hierarchy in his mind from which to delineate a value for each product that he can understand and remember. Dr. Charles Bonwell conducts Active Learning workshops where he helps school teachers learn this technique. According to Dr. Bonwell, the purpose of his workshops is to train instructors to move away from the classical approach of relying almost exclusively on the lecture as the primary learning tool to moving into an environment where the student participates directly i n all aspects of his/her learning experience.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Idea Development of Doggy Daycare (Opportunity Assessment of Doggy Research Paper

Idea Development of Doggy Daycare (Opportunity Assessment of Doggy Daycare Center) - Research Paper Example One of the interesting things about the people in Corvallis city is their increased love for pet animals, especially to dogs. Many of the compassionate and friendly pet owners in this city visit with their dogs, bringing joy to people in mental institutions, assisted living, nursing homes and homeless shelters†(PAL, 2015). Unlike people in many other countries, Americans have the habit of looking after their pet animals like dog just like how they look after their children. As a result of that many of them are worried about the life of their pet dogs when they work at their offices. Under these circumstances, the business prospect for a doggy day care centre in Corvallis city is extremely bright. This paper analyses the viability of a new venture Doggy Day care in Corvallis of Oregon. The purpose of doggy day care centre is to provide, a healthy happy environment for pet dogs. Many of the people, especially the working professionals in Corvallis city are worried about the loneliness facing by their pet dogs while they are in their offices. They wanted to make the life of their pet dogs enjoyable when they leave their home. Doggy day care centre offers a homely climate for dogs. It provides dogs to socialize with other dogs and to enjoy their life. Another purpose of doggy day care centre is to reduce the stress levels of the working professionals. When pet lovers are confident about the healthy development of their pets in day care centers, they will be able to concentrate more on their profession. â€Å"At a dog daycare (also known as a doggy daycare, doggie daycare or dog day care), owners drop off their pets for a day of socializing with other dogs, and then pick them up in the evening† (Fabjob Inc, 2015). As mentioned earlier, professional commitments prevent many of the pet lovers in Corvallis city from catering the needs of their pet dogs

Willam Blake (1757-1827) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Willam Blake (1757-1827) - Essay Example Industrial revolution that swept across Britain can be attributed to the emergence of romantic writing. Among the advocates of Romanticism, Blake’s poems and paintings demonstrated deep emotions including romance, passion, and aspiration to freedom as a genuine response to the chaotic social conventions of the time. William Blake, the prominent poet and painter was born in London as the son of a hosiery shop owner on 28 November 1757. He started his initial formation as a painter at the age of ten, at the art school run by Henry Pars in Strand. After his four years of learning at Pars, he was apprenticed to James Basire and seven years later by 1778 he joined the Royal Academy where he mastered drawing using living models (William Blake1757-1827, BBC). Blake’s first volume of poetry was published in 1783 encouraged by the great artist of the time, Flaxman. Blake explored the scope of integrating painting with book writing and in 1788 he initiated illuminated book Ã¢â‚¬Ë œThere is no Natural Religion’ followed by Songs of Innocence, Songs of Experience, Book of Thel and many more throughout the subsequent years. He was indeed a versatile writer and poet who performed all efforts himself for printing his illuminated books. Blake’s other famous works include the Book of Job (1825), and Pastorals of Virgil (1821).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Statistical Analysis of Stock Indices Research Paper

Statistical Analysis of Stock Indices - Research Paper Example On the other hand, according to Pelaez (1999, 232) 'there are many ways to forecast economic series, including extrapolation, econometric models, time-series models, and leading indicator models'. For the issue under analysis in this report, the test for unit root is considered as the most appropriate tool for evaluating the given data series from the Stock indices. The methodology applied has been considered as most appropriate after a thorough consideration of the specific subject involved. A technical overview on the nuances of the unit root test is presented followed by the analysis of the Stock indices given in SPSS v14.0. This method will enable the presentation of both the theories and the practical application using reliable software to ease the process and eliminate errors. Guido (2001, 164) says that 'the composite intrinsic value measure does not appear to be an adequate measure of a stock's or portfolio's value' in his experiment to compare the US and the Australian markets. Several possible reasons are offered for this difference, including the differing market structures, the use of a different index or the use of alternate statistical tests'. In the light of the above arguments, it is clear that for the data set under analysis it is essential to use a strong statistical tool to identify the relationship between the given stock indices. Dickey-Fuller statistic tests for the unit root in the time series data. Pt is regressed against Pt-1 to test for unit root in a time series random walk model, which is given as: Pt = r Pt-1 + ut (1) If r is significantly equal to 1, then the stochastic variable Pt is said to be having unit root. A series with unit root is said to be un-stationary and does not follow random walk. There are three most popular Dickey-Fuller tests used for testing unit root in a series. The above equation can be rewritten as: D Pt = d Pt-1 + ut (2) Here d = (r - 1) and here it is tested if d is equal to zero. Pt is a random walk if d is equal to zero. It is possible that the time series could behave as a random walk with a drift. This means that the value of Pt may not center to zero and thus a constant should be added to the random walk equation. A linear trend value could also be added along with the constant to the equation, which results in a null hypothesis reflecting stationary deviations from a trend. To test the validity of market efficiency, random walk hypothesis has been tested. Unit root test has been conducted on Pt, natural log values of indices price data by running the regression equations of the following type: D Pt = d Pt-1 + ut (3) D Pt = a + d Pt-1 + ut (4) D Pt = a + dPt-1 + b t + ut (5) where, a is constant term and b is the coefficient of trend term. The null hypothesis for each is: H0: d = 0 (viii) The null hypothesis that Pt is a random walk can be rejected if calculated t is greater than the tabulated t. From the aforementioned it is clear that the test for unit root is a reliable analytical tool to test the consistency of the data series. In case of the stock market indices we are analysing, the test for unit root is a reliable tool to test the extent to which the index is speculating. The output from the autoregressive analysis for unit root test reveals that the behaviour of the stock indices it is clear that "OMXCOPENHAGEN" and "MADRIDSEGENERAL" have

Friday, July 26, 2019

Future Trends of Health Care Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Future Trends of Health Care Finance - Essay Example There is an imbalance of the number of people who demand health care, the price they pay and are willing to pay for it in the future, and the number of health care providers who supply the services demanded. This imbalance creates pressures on health care finance. More and more people, including our government and the businesses that cover health care costs of these people, would not be willing to pay an ever-increasing amount to finance health care. Premiums will not be allowed to increase indefinitely, because it is becoming unsustainable for the government to allow it, leading to cut backs in coverage. Many countries experimenting with different schemes are finding it difficult and unpopular to do so (OECD, 2006). As the PWC article and others (Schur, Berk, and Yegian, 2004) noted, the pressure of lower available financing in the face of rising health care costs and prices in the last decade, and the unwillingness of people (including the government) to pay for them indefinitely, are dangers that threaten our future in three ways. And third, our nation and our government will continue to find it a challenge to balance the costs of maintaining an aging population and a dwindling youth population exposed to more serious sicknesses. These are the challenges facing our health care organization. ... These are the challenges facing our health care organization. Unless we make some changes to cope with these challenges that are partly the effects of health care finance trends, we may not survive as a business. We therefore need strategic thinking to guide our organization, our services, and myself, in the next three to five years. Our organization must learn to manage costs, and invest funds in modern equipment and the training of people to continue improving our productivity, making the hospital sustainable. We need to make sure our health care services meet high quality standards without the costs going up too high, so we can continue to charge affordable prices. We also need to start thinking of ethical issues, like "do we provide the care that is needed and requested, or do we limit ourselves to what is financially covered by health insurance" Everyone from management to the youngest employee has to be prepared to face these challenges. The impact of future trends in health care finance affects all providers in different ways, and in the not-for-profit Catholic hospital where I work the issues we need to be prepared for will range from the medical and financial to the ethical and moral. Some Detailed Considerations I am a registered nurse who manages a Same Day Surgery unit in the hospital as part of my job working for the SSM Network, which has as its mission to provide exceptional health care services driven by core values consistent with our organization's heritage and priorities. We are known for our commitment to quality care - we won the Baldridge Quality Award in 2002, an accomplishment that reflects an exceptional

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Technical choice of dam materials and their environmental impacts Essay

Technical choice of dam materials and their environmental impacts - Essay Example is indispensable that technological advancements alongside scientific innovations have immensely contributed towards making life what it is at present. The field of geotechnical engineering has not lacked behind either. As early as the fourth century BC, the Chinese had discovered that they could use drilling fluids, which was in the form of water, to permeate grounds in such of hydrocarbons (Veil, J, 2002). A drilling fluid, in this respect, is a kind of fluid often used in drilling boreholes on the earth surface such as water wells (Zupan, T, & Kapila, M, 2000). Over time, drilling of deeper and challenging wells necessitated improvements to be implemented in the drilling technology. This led to a somewhat increased efficient and effective fluid for drilling (Wait, S, &Thomas, D, 2003). Since then, the drilling fluids have been adopted in drilling of the natural gas and oil wells, as well as in exploration of the drilling rigs. Drilling mud, on the other hand, is a type of drilling fluid that is in the form of liquid. This liquid is often added into the wellbore to aid in the drilling process (Talal, Y, & Al-Awad, J, 2004). It does so through controlling pressure, provision of buoyancy, stabilization of the given exposed rocks, suspension of the cuttings, cooling the rock and making sure the rock is well lubricated (Stephenson, R, & Seaton, D, 2004). In essence, drilling fluids are vital elements for the whole drilling process that is for maximization of the recovery, as well as reducing on the amount of time required to get the first oil. The drilling fluid falls into three main categories (Omar, A, & Al-Awad, J, 2002). They include water-based muds, non-aqueous muds and the gaseous liquid fluid. Water-based muds can either be categorized as dispersed or... This paper Technical choice of dam materials and their environmental impacts seeks to unveil key issues on matters pertaining the link between, drilling fluid and oil recovery in homogenous reservoirs. It seeks to suggest better ways of utilizing the current drilling fluids in the recovery of oil, as well as future methods that are better suited in the exploration of oil. The Influence of drilling fluid on oil recovery literature contains results of many research projects that were contacted over a period of time. It is evident that the total number of such publications is quite overwhelming, although this does not mean that all the pertinent publication were reviewed, though none of those that were applicable and useful to this work were excluded intentionally. Difficulties that were encountered in review of literature are an attempt to develop the relationship between the two parameters. Initially there has been an attempt to quantify the existing relationship between the use of dr illing fluid and the oil recovery in homogenous reservoirs. Most of these studies were centered on issues that are related with the offshore drilling operations rather than how drilling fluid influences oil recovery on the homogenous reservoirs. In this study it is expected that the results indicate that there is a positive correlation between drilling fluid use and oil recovery in homogenous rocks. Earlier works by Bobik, and Deneki, concluded that the use of drilling fluid increases the recovery of oil in homogenous reservoirs.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 19

Business law - Essay Example volve around arguing the fact about considering ‘veil of incorporation’ as one of the decisive notions in the field of Company Law with a focus on the case of Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22 as well as the practical consequences that are derived from being a separate legal entity. Moreover, the lifting of ‘veil of incorporation’, which ignores the doctrine of separate legal entity, will also be discussed in this essay. According to the doctrine of ‘veil of incorporation’, a company is considered as a separate lawful body, thereby possessing its own rights, duties and obligations. However, by considering the case of Salomon v A Salomon & Co Ltd [1897] AC 22, the concept of ‘veil of incorporation’ can be understood in a clear manner. In relation to the case, Salomon had a leather boot business and acquired the maximum share by incorporating a company (Palma, 1897). A few days later, the company suffered from financial crisis and thus a third party named Mr. Broderip decided to provide a loan to the company. The amount realised from liquidation was allocated to Mr. Salomon and thus Mr. Broderip was to be repaid. However, after repaying him, it was found that a minimal amount is left to be distributed amid the unsecured creditors and the external shareholders. The Court of Appeal was in favour of the liquidators but the House of Lords argued that Mr. Salomon was not responsib le personally even though he was the sole owner of the company (Palma, 1897). There lay certain practical consequences of separate lawful personality. A company is completely liable to pay the liabilities and the debts to the creditors and the preference shareholders, as it is a separate lawful unit. They tend to lose their money in case the company fails to repay their amounts. Thus, if a shareholder dies, his/her share is transferred to someone else, but the business still continues to conduct its activities. A company may be closed only if the partners of a company

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Banking Act of 1933 Glass-Steagall Act Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Banking Act of 1933 Glass-Steagall Act - Article Example Senator Carter Glass, who was a former treasury secretary, is the main man behind the act. Henry Steagall was the other sponsor. The act applies to both national banks and state chartered banks (Dept 12). Though the Glass-Steagall act, the government upheld its role to provide quality, public policy. It can be argued that the act went a long way in easing the depression. This occurred because of the measures the Act put in place to prevent further losses. For instance, limiting commercial banks investments prevented underwriting by banks. This allowed for faster liquidation of assets by banks. This led to separation of commercial banks from investment banks. In 1999, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act repealed the provision that restricted banks and securities firms affiliations section 16 prevented the purchasing or selling of securities by national banks except when the bank acts as a customer’s agent (Dept 23). Under the act, the government tried to resolve the conflict of interest that arises with regard to granting credit. Section 32 prevented common directors and employees access to credit Four sections of the act,sections16,20,21and 32,laid out the provisions for acquiring secur ities, both directly and indirectly in case the bank needed fast access to short term credit. For instance, section 11(a) prevented Federal Reserve member banks from placing loans to dealers or brokers. The Act limited the previous enormous power of the banks. This Act prevents bank’s ability to expand greatly, which was possible to achieve by creating a barrier between banking and insurance against aggressive expansions. As a result of the bank’s risky moves, there was the provision for insurance to minimize losses. Over time, limits on insurance from 2,500 USD in 1934, continues to take place. Currently the FIDC provides insurance for safety deposits of member banks of up to 250,000 USD per depositor in each bank initially, under the act. FDIC had the mandate to regulate and supervise banks, which are non-members in a given State. Through the US treasury, and Federal Reserve an initial 289 million funded the Act. The Act through FDIC also prohibited payment of intere sts on checking accounts. There are also provisions in the Act, which allow national banks to have branches statewide depending on the state’s law (Dept 20). The Glass-Steagall Act provided the government with the opportunity of displaying its understanding of the public’s interest. The institution of the Act by the government proved beneficial in helping the public deal with the recovery period after the effects of the Great economic depression of 1929. The creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) affected the public on a personal level compared to the other reforms brought about by this Act. This is because the FDIC created a buffer for citizens making a deposit of over 5,000 USD by insuring the money deposited. This served to eliminate any unforeseen, future risks, for example, an economic depression. As a result, individuals had the opportunity of getting their money back in the event of an economic catastrophe. The FDIC also helped to reaffirm the government’s commitment in safeguarding the financial welfare of its citizens (Dept 25). The different branches of the government played an integral role with regard to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Busy streets of London Essay Example for Free

Busy streets of London Essay Someone once told me that London was the most beautiful city they had ever seen. As I walked through the streets of London I couldnt help but see the ugly side. The people were shadows to me, the buildings loomed over like leering monsters and the car headlights reminded me of the eyes of wild beasts. Everybody was so unapproachable, I felt lost, and even though I was surrounded by a sea of people I still felt all alone. As night began to fall, darkness surrounded me. Even though the streets of London are vividly colored, the only colour I could see came from the cold smear of red buses. When you feel like an ant in a massive city you cant help but feel scared, especially at night. People spill out of pubs and bars onto the pavements, but they are still never empty. I had been walking along streets for hours trying to find a secluded spot to crash over night, it took a while but I finally found a potentially nice spot to snooze, a slightly worn path in a back alley full of emptiness. I had the creepy feeling that I was being watched, although I have no idea who by because Id never felt so alone. I put the thought to the back of my head and after minutes of twisting and turning I felt hidden enough to try and get some sleep. Within 5 minutes of shutting my eyes I heard a group of rowdy, drunken girls. I stayed as still as possible and none of the girls noticed me. Then about two minutes later I noticed a man walking his dog at the other end of the alley. As the dog came closer I could hear it sniffing and panting louder, my heart began to pound. I was ashamed of the situation I was in. I didnt want anyone seeing me, luckily the man called the dog over, it paused and ran to its owner, Good dog the man said. A while later it started rain, I stayed in the same spot in hope that the it would dye down, but it got harder and colder to the point where I couldnt feel my hands and my teeth couldnt stop chattering. I rubbed my arms up and down for about half an hour trying to keep warm, I breathed into my hands and curled up into a balled thinking that some how I would be warmer. The cold night made me think about the little things I took for granted at home like, warmth with the flick of a switch, the comfort of my own bed, the homely noises of my family that I was used to. All these things I missed so much, I cried for hours not knowing where to go or what to do. Instead of moving to a spot to find shelter from the rain, I gave up and eventually so did the rain. The next morning I was awoken by the sound of my own belly rumbling. Every time I moved I could hear the wet from the rain inside my clothes and shoes. As I looked around it seemed like the city had come to life all over again, waiting for the day ahead. Street lights going out as the sun rose up, but I still felt the same. Nothing had changed for me. Except one thing, I realized that for the best part of my life Ive spent my time not feeling like I belong, going from flat to flat, from bedrooms to floors and now to nothing but a cold pavement in an alley. No-where up until last night had been this bad, I just wanted to go home. So I picked up my belongings, which consisted of a tattered blanket that was big enough to cover a small child and a rusty old drink bottle, and set about finding my family. . .

Internal External Balance Essay Example for Free

Internal External Balance Essay When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Bernard Baruch In review of trade policy best suited for our Nation it is time for an overhaul and start developing a more complete toolbox. As Kevin Kaiser so poignantly stated in his article in CNN Money: â€Å"The economists that make the worlds crucial monetary policy decisions are the same economists who authored most textbooks in use. While superficially appealing, their theories lack empirical evidence, are riddled with internal inconsistencies, and are based upon tenuous assumptions. Specifically, their models are built on downward sloping demand curves, upward sloping supply curves, perfect competition, rational consumers, benevolent dictators, and general equilibrium; there is no dynamic analysis, no consideration of disequilibrium, and no role of private sector debt† (Kaiser, 2011). The policy cross as shown to the left indicates that as e increases m decreases, and current account improves. To offset this, an increase in g is required. The EE curve is positively sloped in the (e,g) space. An internal equilibrium is attained when the output is at the full employment level thereby raising the interest rate. Moreover, because the economy is fully employed, real output cannot increased beyond a point. Thus, an increase in inflationary pressure occurs, thereby raising domestic price, which shifts the LM curve to the left. Thus, along the IE curve, government spending and interest rate are directly related. As a Post Keynes-Industrialist, the tendency to lean towards comprehensive human market behaviors and interdependent structural issues makes developing a one-size-fits-all policy, such as the policy cross, for internal and external balance a challenge. This is particularly true when evidence for any one theory to-date has not proven to be exact and reliable. Capitalism is fickle, and doesn’t follow slopes as neatly as theorists would like and the global shocks being felt around the world are keeping the economic status of all countries anything but predictable. Paul Krugman wrote an article for The New York Times that explained, â€Å"at the heart of the profession of economics’ failure has been its emphasis on rigor, rather than relevance—that is, economics had been weakened by the desire for an all-encompassing, intellectually elegant approach that also gave economists a chance to show off their mathematical prowess. He offered two recommendations in addition to again making the case for renewed attention to Keynes: scholarship that questions the efficient-market view of the financial sector, and research that incorporates the realities of finance into macroeconomics† (Krugman, 2009). For the purposes of this paper however, it would be recommended that a floating exchange rate be proposed for the following reason: The challenge of fiscal and monetary policies to keep equilibrium could be comparative to eyeballing mass versus weight of internal and external spending and determining which is more relevant at any given time. While a cleanly floating exchange rate assures external balance, it does not assure internal balance and changes in the rate to achieve external balance may exacerbate and internal imbalance. Government monetary and fiscal policies may be used to address internal imbalances at this point with a floating rate structure. â€Å"The following graph can assist in understanding the impacts of booms and recessions on internal and external balances.†(Johnston, M. 2011). For example, the bottom left-hand shows the effects of exports being less competitive, which reduces the number of exports and induces a current account deficit and lower aggregate demand. Currently, the US has a well-known financial problem with a large trade deficit every year. â€Å"It seems many ignore this issue since our debts tend to be denominated in our domestic currency, the dollar.† (Kling, A. para 6). The most recent news release for second quarter 2012 on the Bureau of Economic Analysis states, â€Å"the US current-account deficit decreased to $117.4 billion (preliminary) in the second quarter from $133.6 billion (revised) in the first quarter. The decrease in the current-account deficit was accounted for by a decrease in the deficit on goods and an increase in the surplus on income.†(, Sept 18, 2012 ). This would indicate a small shift in the left lower quadrant just slightly contracting, but very little overall. However damning the current financial situation is, the floating exchange rate remains the better choice as argued in Global Business Today, â€Å"Under a fixed system, a country’s ability to expand or contract its money supply as it sees fit is limited by the need to maintain exchange rate parity, leading to high interest rates† (Hill, 2011). â€Å"Another reason is the because the real exchange rate fundamentals including terms of trade, import tariffs, technology progress, composition of government expenditures and revenues, real interest rate and capital controls are always in flux† (Wong, C. p. 7). When the exchange rate is flexible, in fiscal expansion either government expenditure increases or tax cuts raises output, but worsens current account balances. Conversely, fiscal contraction improves current account balances, but lowers output. If the economy attempts to attain both internal and external balance it could consider expenditure switching, but alone this will be inadequate. â€Å"For example, if an economy is at the full employment level, i.e., internal balance is already attained, but if it is running current account deficits, policy makers in the economy could devalue its currency so that net exports rise. However, the improvement of current account balances would lead the economy to experience over-heating so that internal balance would disappear. If an economy is experiencing an inflationary gap, or over-heating, while maintaining balanced current account, a revaluation policy may reduce total expenditure back to the full employment level, but lead to current account deficits† (, para 5). Therefore, changing how we currently think may be necessary to achieve both internal and external balances. Economics has been referred to the dismal science but as Kaiser states, â€Å"True sciences expand and evolve: genetics, psychology, quantum mechanics, astronomy. Economics defends itself – it is an ideology. What we need is an economic theory that is more relevant to a modern capitalist economy – one that embraces uncertainty and disequilibrium, is grounded upon realistic assumptions, is judged by the accuracy of its predictions, and where debt and money are implicit, important factors.† (CNN Money, 2011). References Hill, H. (2011). Global Business Today. New York: New York McGraw-Hill Kaiser, K. (December 16, 2011) Its time for economic theory to evolve. CNN Money. Retrieved on December 14, 2012 from Johnston, M (October 8, 2011). AS and A2 Macroeconomics: Internal and External Balances. Econofix. Retrieved on December 12, 2012 from Kling, A. (2004). The trade balance. Retrieved on December 13, 2012 from Krugman, P (2009). â€Å"How Did Economists Get It So Wrong?† The New York Times, September 2. Retrieved on December 14, 2012 from News Release: US International Transactions. Retrieved on December 14, 2012 from Wong, C-H. Adjustment and the Internal-External Balance. Retrieved on December 14, 2012 from World Economy Expenditure Changing Retrieved on December 14, 2012 from

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Causes of the Great Depression

Causes of the Great Depression Moon Kyung Jung Economic fluctuations are inevitable in any nations that have any kinds of market, industries and more. However, there are always some unknown factors that deteriorate the fluctuations. During the 20th century, there were various economic fluctuations including the Great Depression which was triggered by some unknown factors at the time. This depression was considered one of the worst depressions ever faced by many nations during the time. Unemployment rate peaked at 24.9% that many people lost their jobs and decided to give up on their lives.[1] Even inflation rates sharply fluctuated which made investors to hesitate that whether they should invest or not. The Great Depression affected many nations around the world, including the U.S, and put these nations into disastrous situations. In this paper, there are two sections. First, I will talk about how the Great Depression started and came to hit the U.S. Also, I will be discussing about some effects the depression brought to the U.S. Lastly, I will talk about how the U.S economy was recovered and the process behind it. Falling Economy It is hard to point out where it exactly started from, but most countries started to face the depression at the same time.[2] Before we discuss about the Great Depression, let’s look at the industrial production of several countries. Before the depression started, many nations reached their peaks of production. During the time, the five major industrialized countries, the United States, Canada, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom, were highly innovative, competitive, and large-investing nations. Among 22 industrialized nations, the United States was not hit by the Great Depression until first twelve countries were tied to the depression.[3] Most nations that are part of the League of Nations were affected by the depression in similar ways, but the U.S did not responded in the same way. Among these variations, how the United States faced immediate severity of the Great Depression in ways that sharp decline in American output is more important.[4] The first year for most countries was just a common bad year that they faced the average decline in production only over 9 percent, which was not considered that severe. Compared to these countries, the U.S faced a huge decline in industrial production, 21 percent in the first year. This fact makes the Great Depression was considered great in the U.S earlier than other nations.[5] In more depth about the decline in output, the initial fall in production was more focused on consumer goods, while investment goods remained relatively the same unlike other countries.[6] However, as this depression continued a few years, most countries were experiencing a greater depression than before. Among these countries, however, the United States was an apparent loser that from the peak to fall in industrial production of 62 percent, which is a significant number. There was no country that experienced the same magnitude of the decline.[7] Now, let’s talk about the causes of the â€Å"American† depression. Simply, between 1929 and 1933, there were chains of shocks caused the United States’ aggregate demand to decline repeatedly, which caused the economy down.[8] Specifically, the U.S. economy was apparently experiencing downturn in the summer of 1929. However, in the beginning, this downturn was at slow pace. Not surprisingly, the source of this downturn was tightening of Federal Reserve policy, which Fed started open market sales of securities in January 1928. [9] Unfortunately, Fed failed to decrease in the money supply because banks sought this as opportunities that they significantly increased their borrowing at the discount window.[10] Both nominal and real interest rates dramatically increased due to the interplay of the open market sales and the increased demand for money and brokers’ loans caused by the stock market boom.[11] Whenever there is rise in interest rates, it is assumable that the country will face some kind of negative situations because this rise would make people to save more than investment, which creates imbalance between savings and investments. And this monetary policy that causes this significant rise in interest rates was mostly due to the stock market according to Hamilton.[12] And the situation deteriorated in October 1929 as the stock market crashed. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York bought significant amounts of government bonds, thus increasing the stock of high-powered money, which made both nominal and real interest rates fall sharply, but was not good enough to hold the depression back. And even bank panics followed up and the real interest rates became consistently high. [13] Another feature of the depression is the collapse in domestic consumption spending which followed the stock market crash. As mentioned earlier, consumer spending played a significant role in the decline of output. [14] The main source of this drop in consumption was the crash market itself. The stock market crash and frequent fluctuations in stock prices created large amount of uncertainties about future income. The fluctuations of stock prices did not always made consumers and investors pessimistic about future, but just uncertain.[15] Also, this uncertainty was fostered by forecasts made by analysts of the time that they expressed tremendous uncertainty about their assumptions of the future.[16] And yes, it did immediately cut consumers’ and investors’ spending on irreversible goods and they simply waited for future information. Fortunately, sellers of essential goods, grocery stores for example experienced rise in their profits, since everyone was restraining themsel ves from wasting their income. Also, the effect of uncertainty also decreased consumer spending by decreasing wealth and by shifting households’ balance sheets toward illiquidity.[17] Lastly, let’s talk about last feature that deteriorated the depression. Doubtlessly, last source of the continuous decline in production was a series of banking panics.[18] Several panics occurred in sequences that one wave of panics followed by another and so on. In the process, more than 9000 banks were inevitably forced to suspend their operations and depositors and stockholders lost roughly $2.5 billion.[19] In detail, these banking failures came in many ways. First, the money supply was directly impacted by the bank failures. The ratio of deposits to currency fell significantly because the safety of banks misgave depositors which made them not to save their money to banks. [20] This lack of deposits to the banks sharply reduced the money multiplier and the situation got worse as the Fed has done nothing to increase the stock of high-powered money, which could reduce the effects of this shock in money supply. Also, the financial panics interrupted the intermediation role o f banks. As the bank failures prevented these banks to help out small businesses that cannot issue stocks or bonds, it became more expensive for other banks to loan to customers from the failed banks, because it required large amounts of transaction costs, which worsened the depression. [21] Recovery from the Great Depression There were many factors that deteriorated the depression and it seems unrecoverable. Then what possibly can restore the economy of the United States? There could been many solutions, but one solution at the time was stimulus to aggregate demand, large portion of it was in the form of monetary expansion.[22] Before the monetary expansion, there have been many fiscal policies involved to fix the situation, but they were mostly ineffective. The fact that aggregate demand stimulus really brought the recovery was largely caused by demand-induced changes in the money multiplier, which make people to spend their money instead of just keeping it under their bed.[23] Then how did this monetary expansion really took place? The main source of this increase in the money supply of the United States was a large amount of gold inflow began in 1933.[24] The rapid rate of the growth was a â€Å"consequence of gold inflow produced by the revaluation of gold plus the flight of capital to the United States. It was in no way a consequence of the contemporaneous business expansion.†[25] This increase in gold inflow and revaluation made people to spend more dollars on gold in exchange of risk of holding dollars. Another source of the immense movement of funds to the United States was the fast deterioration in the international political situation.[26] European citizens largely transferred their funds to the United States due to the increasing threat of a European war which created misgiving of seizure or destruction of wealth by the enemy.[27] Many economists concluded that â€Å"Munich and the outbreak of war in Europe were the main factors determining the U.S. money stock, as Hitler and the gold miners had been.†[28] It is ironic that other countries’ economic collapses helped the U.S. to restore its economy. To make the argument that monetary expansion was the source of the recovery more plausible, let’s look at the transmission mechanism. It is widely accepted that the increase in money supply will decrease the interest rates. First, nominal interest rates fall as the money stock increases. With fixed or rising expected inflation, the fall in nominal interest rates implies a fall in real interest rates. This drop in rates will foster people to buy more of equipment and durable consumer goods because cost of borrowing decreased as interest rates dropped.[29] During the depression, rise in wages and prices were not fully offset by the rapid monetary expansion. If money supply did not grow as fast as the rise in wages and prices, real balances would not have improved and there would have been no force on nominal interest rates, which possibly could restrain the restoration. But in fact the money supply did grow at very rapid rate that the prices and wages did not completely amend to the very rapid rates of money growth. This made the real balances to increase while the nominal interest rates fall during the recovery process. Even with these very low nominal interest rates, the economy was not fully recovered yet, but there was no other way to continue the monetary expansion. So, the main way to continue the monetary expansion was to encourage the economy by generating potentials of inflation and thus triggering a reduction in real interest rates. However, consumers and investors believed in the stickiness of price which made them to think that prices would rise ultimately and therefore expected inflation over the not too distant horizon.[30] In order for monetary expansions to stimulate the economy, not only the real interest rates had to decrease, but there had to be positive respond in investment and other types of interest-sensitive spending. [31] In fact, the economy responded as expected that there have been sharp increase in fixed investment and the consumption of durable goods. Over the next few years, the spending grew very rapidly as the real interest rates stayed negative. Although the economy still experienced fluctuations that real interest rates turned significantly positive which disrupted the growth of the economy by restraining the consumption and investment. However, overall the economy was finding its way back to the peak again at very fast rate that spending remained consistently high enough to stimulate the growth. Conclusion The Great Depression occurred in 1929 around the world indeed led the time into a chaos. Although the Great Depression occurred simultaneously in the industrialized countries, the U.S. depression was quite unique in several ways. Compare to other nations, the U.S. experienced much more severe declines. No country experienced similar magnitude of depression as the U.S. did. Also, the United States’ depression was started by a decline in consumption in durable goods due, increase bank failures, and sharp rise in interest rates. Since the Great Depression was a worldwide problem so it can be considered international shocks, but it also can be considered as national aggregate demand shocks, only in American perspective, because it had many uniquely American roots. There were many shocks that were internationally dealt, but it was ultimately the U.S. shocks and the U.S. policy choices that determined the path of the America. [32] Throughout the depression, the U.S. government tried many things to solve the situation. Yes, in fact the monetary expansion was the important key to the restoration of the United States’ economy from the depression. On the other hand, fiscal policy did not really help anything during the process and remained ineffective until 1942. Since, many international elements also contributed to the U.S. depression, there had to be some international elements to get through the situation. In fact, World War II helped the U.S. economy from further deterioration by many Europeans transfer their funds to the U.S. in order to avoid the risk of losing them by the war. Also, the large amount of gold inflow helped the U.S. expansionary monetary developments to be successful in decreasing both nominal and real interest rates, which stimulated the economy and people to spend their money on consumption of durable goods and investments. Also, the very low interest rates helped this positive atmos phere to continue furthermore and in fact the U.S. economy successfully recovered from the depression. [33] Although the Great Depression was successfully overcome, it is still doubtful that other depressions can be handled in the same way. Future research and more data is needed to confirm and confidently conclude that the actions took during the Great Depression was the â€Å"most† efficient and effective options. References The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [1] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [2] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [3] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [4] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [5] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [6] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [7] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [8] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [9] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [10] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [11] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [12] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [13] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [14] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [15] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [16] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [17] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [18] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [19] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [20] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [21] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [22] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [23] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [24] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [25] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [26] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [27] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [28] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [29] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [30] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784 [31] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D.Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol.52, No.4 (Dec., 1992), pp.757-784 [32] The Nation in Depression. Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring, 1993), pp. 19-39 Printed. [33] What Ended the Great Depression? Christina D. Romer, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 52, No. 4 (Dec., 1992), pp. 757-784

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Club Culture Essay -- Hip Hop Dancing Cultural Essays

The Club Culture The club culture-hundreds of thousands of young people across the country, covered in sweat and rhythmically throbbing to a beat- has long been filled with stigmas and stereotypes; the idea that hip-hop music is only for people of African descent, or solely for the "impoverished youth" as Dale Kleinschmidt, an ex-DJ and amateur break dancer from Dallas, puts it, has been a common view associated with the hip-hop scene by the masses. Dale got interested in break dancing because, as he says, "he wanted to look cool." In the beginning, the idea of being able to break dance was funny to him- he had already been involved in the dance scene, but he had never been a b-boy, he just DJed. A lot of Dale's interest in the dance aspect of the clubs came from his DJing experiences. Dale really started dancing when he met up with a group of Hispanic kids- that he had known from the scene already- and discovered that they had formed a break dancing crew. They decided to take Dale "under their wings." The fact that the Hispanic kids were the ones dancing, and that they were so accepting of Dale- a middle-upper class white kid- says a lot about the falseness of the racial stereotypes involved in the scene. "& it's a very embracing culture," says Dale, "which a lot of people find surprising, but if you go out there no one's gonna give you crap for trying& " According to Dale, the only people that the club kids typically dislike are the ones that detach themselves from the scene. "& say you go to a club and just sit in the back corner, or you just try to hit on girls, that's fine, but the break dancers are probably just gonna look down on you& " The thought that a person should interact in any of what Dale calls "the fou... ...petitive nature of the scene-but the fact remains that the break dance circles seem to be filled with masculine face. Despite the stereotypes I have heard about the hip-hop culture, and the apparently male-dominated scene, after my interview with Dale I would have to dispel those accusations. Of course there will be "purists" as Dale said, and people who believe that they deserve more respect because they have been involved in the scene longer, but in the bigger view, the dance culture seems to be one of the most accepting scenes that exists. If you have a genuine interest in the culture, as in anything, there is no reason that you shouldn't attempt to take part in it. The scene from the beginning was a do-it-yourself scene, and in break dancing there are no rules. Get out there and do what you want- if you honestly respect the scene you should have no problems.

Shipping and the Great Barrier Reef Essay -- Trade Nature Conservation

Shipping and the Great Barrier Reef Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is an unparalleled marine ecosystem that holds rank as one of the world’s most valuable natural wonders. The abundance of sea life offers both intrinsic and physical benefits, but unfortunately this extraordinary habitat is now threatened from several different angles. One of the greatest threats to the GBR is the presence of popular shipping routes which surround and penetrate the reef. These ships naturally pollute the GBR, but the severest danger lies in the possibility of wrecks spilling oil or other hazardous cargos. History offers many examples of shipwrecks with outcomes that could have been devastating although there has not yet been a major disaster. These events have helped to inspire various regulations aiming to curb the risk of any major incident. Nevertheless, there still remains more room for protective measures in order to insure the safety of such an irreplaceable treasure. The Great Barrier Reef The GBR formed about 9,000 years ago during the last interglacial period. As with other coral reefs, it is based upon the structure of billions of coral polyps, and the GBR is the longest coral reef system ever to exist. It is consequently the largest structure created by living creatures and so massive that it can be viewed from outer space (Guynup p.22). The GBR includes 2,900 separate reefs and hundreds various islands and cays. The GBR stretches over 2,000 kilometers up the coast of Queensland. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (GBRMP), established in 1975, includes nearly 350,000 square kilometers, which is over half the area covered by all of the protected areas in mainland Australia (Chadwick and Storrie p.1, CRC p.1).... Guynup, Sharon. 2000. â€Å"Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.† Science World, 57(1): 22-23. Johns, Gary. 2002. â€Å"The Four Corners of the Reef: Investigative Journalism or Environmental Activism.† Institute of Public Affairs, 54(2): 10-11. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Protection of the Great Barrier Reef: Report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Environment and Conservation, November 1985. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra: 1985. Queensland Transport – News: â€Å"Maritime Safety Legislation Passed by Parliament,† 31 July 2002. Queensland Transport & the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, â€Å"Oil Spill Risk Assessment for the Coastal Waters of Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park†: August 2000. Wright, Judith, The Coral Battleground. Thomas Nelson, Melbourne: 1977.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Odysseus and Aeneas Similar with Important Differences :: Essays Papers

Odysseus and Aeneas Similar with Important Differences Half of the room had their faces painted orange and brown. Half of the room had their faces painted black and yellow. I sat and looked at the other side of the room with total disgust. How could they call themselves Clevelanders as they sat and cheered on the enemy? Then it hit me. They didn’t — none of them called themselves Clevelanders. As I looked around the lounge of Twin Towers, I realized that most of these fans were here to cheer on their home team in the first Cleveland Browns-Pittsburgh Steelers game in three long years. The fans varied in hometown. This ethnocentrism can be traced back all through history — even back to the times of Homer and Virgil. Odysseus and Aeneas were both â€Å"hometown heroes,† and both were also despised by their opposing countries. Odysseus and Aeneas, both epic heroes, were very similar but there are some differences. The differences between Odysseus and Aeneas are representative of their Greek and Roman cultures respectively. Odysseus and Aeneas both have an extremely different view of what the meaning of â€Å"home† is. They also have a contrasting value of importance on home. This is a parallel that follows them throughout their lives. Odysseus left home to fight in the Trojan War. He left to serve his country. After hard work he was victorious. He was forced to go to Hell and back when he was to go home. Of course he did take a long break in paradise to experience the good life. Odysseus landed on the island of Calypso. She is immortal and fell in love with Odysseus. They spent the days having passionate sex and he had the opportunity to stay there forever drinking nectar and eating ambrosia. So why’d he leave? He wanted to go home. Home is extremely important to Odysseus just as home is important for most Greeks. Greece is not a huge country. At no point in history did Greece become a large empire taking over great amounts of land. Greece is a specific place and the Greek traditions are found only within the borders. Aeneas also went to fight in the Trojan War. He also was a national hero. He was a great warrior. Both Odysseus and Aeneas were trying to head home.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Abraham Lincoln Essay 2

Michael Hutsell Professor Hershenberg American Government I – 2301 Abraham Lincoln Throughout the long history of the United States there have been many hardworking, dedicated politicians that made our country strong and resilient. During the time of the greatest peril to our country one stood out more than any other. This man was Abraham Lincoln, one of the most resilient and pivotal leaders we have known. Abraham Lincoln came from humble origins in the backwoods of Kentucky. He was born on February 12, 1809 in a one room log cabin on Sinking Spring Farm, in southeast Hardin county Kentucky. His father (Thomas Lincoln) was a poverty stricken frontiersman after losing his farm, which along with his wife (Nancy Hanks Lincoln) and other children had to work hard everyday for the necessities of life. Lincoln was no stranger to hard work; he split logs plowed his families land and used his carpentry skills around the farm. He did prefer reading and learning to the hard work which caused a strained relationship between he and his father. He only received 18 months of formal education and was largely self educated. In 1816 Lincoln’s father lost his farm and was forced to move to Perry County, Indiana. This area of the country near the Ohio River was very remote and rugged. Their first winter at the new homestead was very harsh but they were able to survive. Unfortunately that summer Lincoln’s mother died from a deadly disease known as â€Å"milk sickness† and left his father with the children to raise alone(Lincoln research project). After the death of his mother the family fell apart and the most of the day to day work was left to Lincoln and his sister. In the winter of 1819 Lincoln’s father went back to Kentucky and found a new wife Sarah Bush Johnson who was a widow with three children (notable biographies. om). His new mother was a very positive light placed in his life. She was very affectionate and treated both sets of children the same as if she borne them all. She was especially fond of Abraham and he referred to her as his â€Å"Angel Mother† (biography. com). In 1830, after further financial misfortune, Lincoln’s father moved his famil y to Coles County Illinois, but Lincoln did not go with them deciding to head out on his own to New Salem. (Notablebiographies. com). At New Salem Lincoln was placed in charge of a mill and a store where he became very popular through his unique story telling. Shortly thereafter the New Salem debating society asked him to join where he became a very passionate and persuasive speaker (notable biographies. com). At this time the â€Å"black hawk war† which was a Native American uprising occurred. Lincoln decided to volunteer in New Salem and was elected Captain of his company. He saw little action during the short war and afterwards he stated that â€Å"he had seen no live, fighting Indians during the war but had a good many bloody struggles with the mosquitoes† (biography. com). During this time Lincoln’s store eventually folded leaving him deeply in debt. He then worked as a rail splitter, land surveyor, and a postmaster all of which fell through increasing his dept even more. He did eventually pay them off thus earning the nickname â€Å"Honest Abe†. After Lincoln’s service in Black Hawk war ended, he decided to run as a candidate for the Illinois legislature. Despite his speaking talents he was not elected but did receive 277 of 300 votes cast in his home precinct in New Salem (notablebiographies. com). Lincoln was not deterred from his goal of becoming a member of the Illinois legislature, and in 1834 was elected. At this time John Todd Stuart, the leader of the Whig party, noticed Lincoln’s skill during his campaign. Stuart became Lincoln’s mentor in the state legislature taking him under his wing and pushed him to begin his law studies. Lincoln started practicing law in 1836 and served 4 terms in the state legislature where he became a Whig leader. In 1837 Lincoln moved to Illinois new capital Springfield. There he joined John Stuart’s law firm as a partner and continued his political career (notablebiographies. com) During this time he became the most successful lawyer in the state of Illinois earning 1,200 to 1,500 annually (biography. om) This compared to 1,200 for the governor and 750 for circuit judges (biography. com). His practice was based in Springfield but he would also make the rounds with the circuit court, where at first would earn only small fees for petty cases. After the railroads arrived Lincoln successfully defended the Illinois Central Railroad in many notable lawsuits where he earned sizeable legal fees (biography. com). During his tenure in the state legislature he espoused his opposition to slavery but would not go so far as to call himself and abolitionist. During the mid 1830s Lincoln met and courted Ann Rutledge but this ended in tragedy with her untimely death in 1835. In 1836 Lincoln pursued halfhearted Mary Owens and proposed, but she turned down his proposal. Later he met and courted Mary Todd who belonged to a very distinguished Kentucky family and was part of Springfield’s social aristocracy. Many of her family members and friends disliked their relationship which created a strain during the courtship. In 1840 they became engaged but the tension created between he and her social standing created much doubt in his mind concerning the marriage. On January 1, 1841 the engagement was ended and Lincoln fell into a deep depression. Later they worked out the issues related to their engagement and married on November 4, 1842. Lincoln and his wife had four children with only the eldest Thomas Lincoln living to adulthood. In 1846 Lincoln was elected to the U. S. Congress serving a single term in the Whig party. He proposed a bill for the emancipation of slaves in the District of Columbia (gradual and compensated), but due to the lack of support both the free white citizens of the district and the abolitionists it failed (biography. om). He also was outspoken in his criticism of the Mexican War, leading many inquiries challenging the current president James K. Polk real reasons for the war (biography. com). Due to his criticisms he lost his base of support in his own congressional district and was not reelected to the U. S. Congress. After he failed in his second congressional bid he was very frustrated with politics and took a five year hiatus until a new regional issue emerged in 1854. Lincoln’s political rival from Illinois, Stephen A. Douglas created a bill for opening all the land of the Louisiana Purchase to slavery. This act (Kansas and Nebraska Act) allowed the settlers in Kansas and Nebraska to decide if slavery should be permitted in their region. This created strenuous opposition in Illinois and eventually led to the disintegration of Lincoln’s Whig party and gave rise to the Republican Party. When Lincoln heard the Republicans where trying to attract Stephen Douglas he opposed it and decided to join the Republican party and challenge Douglas’s leadership within the state of Illinois Republican party (biography. om). Lincoln ran against Douglas for the Senate in 1858 and a famous series of debates between the two ensued throughout Illinois. During the debates Lincoln’s views on slavery emerged insisting Congress must exclude slavery from its territories. Lincoln stated in one of the debates that â€Å"A house divided against it cannot stand. I believe the government cannot endure perma nently half slave and half free†. On the other hand he did not espouse equality for the races nor did he endorse citizenship for African Americans. He stated to a crowd in Charleston Illinois that â€Å"I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors neither of blacks, nor of qualifying them to hold office†¦. † (biography. com) His inconsistencies regarding slavery led to his eventual defeat by Douglas. Through these debates Lincoln gained national recognition by the debates being published and he began to be considered as a presidential candidate. On May 18, 1860, Lincoln received the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Chicago. Lincoln’s full attention was then turned toward creating unity in the Republican Party. The Democrats on the other hand were much divided and Lincoln won the presidential election on November 6, 1860 by a decisive majority in the Electoral College. This created a serious crisis within the country due to South Carolina’s withdrawal from the Union. Several compromises were considered to halt the secession movement but all were unsuccessful in the end due to Lincoln’s opposition to any compromise regarding the free-soil position of the Republican Party (biography. com). After the failure to broker a compromise between the slavery and free soil states six more states seceded and created the Confederate States of America. Shortly after the secession, the issue of holding Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor was the first test of Lincoln’s presidency. South Carolina claimed the fort for the Confederacy and threatened to take it by force if needed. Lincoln neither wanted to provoke war or show any signs of weakness towards the Confederacy. He decided to re-supply the besieged fort but before he could do this the Confederates attacked thus starting the Civil War. After this attack Lincoln decided the Confederacy needed to be actively fought through a war not through a blockade (biography. com). This influenced his decision to send union troops to advance on Virginia at Bull Run resulting in a rout for the Union forces on July 21, 1861. After this setback at Bull Run, Lincoln created his military policy. He felt there should be several fronts which Union troops would use their superior manpower to advance simultaneously. He also used the superior union navy to create a naval blockade of all southern ports to strangle the Confederacy. At first for nearly two years the Union armies lacked effective command through indecisive generals and lacking unity of command. They consistently could not grasp Lincoln’s concept of total multi-pronged attacks. Lincoln, finally through the promotion of Ulysses S. Grant to overall command of Union forces, was able to put into effect his concept of a large, coordinated offensive to topple the Confederacy. This multi-front strategy was a success and on April 14, 1865 General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Grant. Only a few hours after Lee Surrendered to Grant Lincoln attended the play Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theatre. During the play John Wilkes Booth entered the state box where Lincoln was watching the play. At 10:15 P. M. , he shot Lincoln in the back of the head mortally wounding him. Lincoln was carried to the Petersen House across the street where at 7:22 A. M. April 15, 1865 he passed away (biography. com). He was not able to see the end to hostilities of the Civil War which he worked tirelessly to preserve the Union and plant the seeds that led to the end of slavery in the United States. I chose Abraham Lincoln because he was able to preserve our nation through his expert leadership, moral character and through the use of his superior speaking abilities. He exemplified this through several key speeches just prior and during the Civil War. His effective vision energized people, created meaning for followers, established a standard of excellence and bridged the gap between the present and the future (Johnson p. 85). The first speech occurred during his first inaugural address to the nation. In his inaugural address, Lincoln was faced with the difficult problem of building credibility with a relatively hostile audience. The Southern states were beginning to secede from the Union, only two federal forts were left standing in the South (these were under siege) and he had to be under armed guard because of death threats (Braden p. 68). To counter this explosive atmosphere Lincoln remained very calm and up to the actual address remained silent because he didn’t want to make any comments that might unnecessarily make the South explode in anger. On March 4, 1861, Lincoln began his address. His strategy for the address was to increase his credibility by appearing thoughtful, law-abiding, and by keeping strictly to his prepared manuscript. Lincoln directed his address mainly to the Southerners and to the border states that could either join the Union or the Confederacy. He first wanted to make it clear to the South that he did not want to interfere with the institution of slavery or the Fugitive Slave Act (Braden p. 74). Lincoln also wanted to make it clear that the Union of states cannot be separated into a separate North and South. Another goal Lincoln proposed was peaceful reconciliation. He would leave the Southern people alone if they would elect loyalists to office and uphold the constitution of the United States. In return he would not use force to enact this process. In his inaugural address Lincoln was successful at projecting and building his credibility as president. He exhibited trustworthiness by talking in a clear and simple way and by being very honest regarding his goals and views. The speeches outcome enabled his followers to share in his views and fight to preserve the Union. He also tried to alleviate the fears of the Southerners and Border States by diminishing his abolitionist persona and lessening the probability of an invasion of the South. Lincoln’s dynamic and unifying speaking skill was demonstrated with his Gettysburg address. The Gettysburg address was given by Lincoln after the terrible battle had taken place and the area was to be consecrated as a national cemetery on November 19, 1863. During this speech Lincoln wanted to commemorate the men who died in the battle by giving a short but eloquent speech. He also had a larger purpose, he wanted to make a statement that would make the citizens from both the North and the South start to think about peace. He also wanted to rekindle the Union’s patriotic resolve to win the war and preserve the Union. The Gettysburg address as presented by Lincoln: â€Å"Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great Civil War, testing whether that nation-or any nation, so conceived and so dedicated – can long endure. We are now on a great battlefield of that war. We are met to dedicate a portion of it as the final resting-place of those who have given their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this, but, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will very little note nor long remember what we say here; but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated, here, to the unfinished work that they have thus far so noble carried on. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us; that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth† (Barton p. 1-82). The speeches eloquence and shortness took the audience by surprise and they were very affected by its delivery. Lincoln knew this was a pivotal opportunity and he also realized the audience was motivated to be there to remember the soldiers who died in the battle. He played on their strong emotions by prompting them to not let these soldiers die in vain, but to let their memory give them renewed strengt h to win the war. His most important aim was to strengthen the resolves of the Unionists to continue the struggle and to save the United States. He also masterfully empowered his audience by handing his vision to them by telling them to honor the dead soldiers by becoming resolved to win the war no matter what. I feel through these two compelling speeches Lincoln was able to bring the country together and save the citizens from the depths of the Civil War. Through these speeches Lincoln demonstrated the power of the spoken word. Without Lincoln’s genius and abilities the Civil War could have been lost and the world today would be a vastly different place. Works Cited Braden, Waldo. Abraham Lincoln: Public Speaker. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1988. Johnson, Craig, Hackman, Michael. Leadership: A Communication Perspective. Prospect Heights: Waveland Press Inc. , 1996. www. Biography. com Abraham Lincoln (www. biography. com/search/article. do? id†=9382540 www. notablebiographies. com/Ki-Lo/Lincoln-Abraham. html

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Play Hamlet vs. Mel Gibson’s movie version Essay

Performance Analysis of Shakespeares The Tragedy of hamlet, Prince of Denmark My performance analysis is ground on Shakespeares The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. This labor was directed by Franco Zeffirelli and starred Mel Gibson, Glenn Close, Alan Bates, and capital of Minnesota Scofield. In this production of Hamlet, the original ageing English is used. However, I noticed that any(prenominal) dialog that was too difficult to understand or too wordy was deleted from the horizons. somewhat of the dead reckonings had excessively been altered. For example, In Act 2, video 1, the conductor has Polonius spy on Ophelia and Hamlet, and this is how he learns of Hamlets strange call back with his daughter and Hamlets madness. In the original text of Act 2, scene 1, Ophelia informs Polonius of Hamlets visit and his unvarnished madness. I think the handler chose to curb Polonius spy on them to obtain this information, because the hearing would observe for themselves j ust how mad Hamlet appears. It was besides probably done to restrain cartridge holder so that the characterization wouldnt drag. In Kenneth Branaughs version the movie is contained on two tapes, and his version was a little too slow pathetic for my taste.The lines 207-0 213 in Act 2, scene2, where Polonius has a lengthened monologue, also appears to have been cut from the script. In that same act the lines where Guildenstern and Rosencranz enter the scene have been move to Act 3, expression 1, a point directly afterward Hamlets Mousetrap play. in that location were also several other modifications to the stead of scenes in this play, including Shakespeares famous speech, To be or not to be , which had been moved to Act 1, scene 2. I believe all of these changes were made due to the beneficial nature of the film media. It was possible for the theatre director to show several shots of different actors and events, fracture back and forth between scenes. This gave the fina l result of the scenes occurring simultaneously. Since these scenes appeared to have occurred at the same time in the movie, it probably made star or seemed more effective to the director to move the scenes or acts around to what seemed the approximately logical point in the film.As a result of these modifications, I entangle this version of Hamlet was more fast-paced and engaging. It did not drag. I appreciated this production over the other Hamlet films I have seen, because it was made more kindle through directors geological fault camera technique. The setting and costumes of this play were also historically accurate for that time period. And the redness was well done -not too dark. As far as the actors go, Mel Gibsongave an spry recitation of the melancholy Hamlet and Glenn Close was so brilliant and very believable as Gertrude, Hamlets mother. The other actors also performed their parts very well. In summary, I enjoyed this performance more than Kenneth Branaughs prod uction, because I felt it was faster paced and more high-octane. I feel this effect was achieved through the directors technique of shifting the camera between the actors and scenes to give the impression that events were occurring simultaneously. I also feel Mel Gibsons energetic performance and Glenn Closes intense and realistic performance added a dynamic quality, which I have not seen in any other production of this play.

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Gsis Museo Ng Sining Essay

Museo ng Sining was established in late April 1996. Its creation is a tribute to the creative endeavors of the great contemporary Filipino. Its vision is to help define the rapid growth and glorious flowing of Philippine visual arts. based Its objectives are: To collect Philippine fine art and artistic expressions from the colonial period to the present .Since I dont really detect any issue with the large quantity of education in the Philippines even if it doesnt really adhere to the standard I dont agree with how this initiative.In fact, his very first exhibition was held in 1972, four years after his death. Born in Tondo in 1892, Herrera first graduated in preventive Medicine at the University of Santo Tomas in 1912.Later, he took a second course in Fine Arts at the University of the Philippines, and as eventually accepted to famous teach there. â€Å"Influenced by a deep understanding of both intricate only human anatomy and the profound brush strokes wired and lines that mak e up perspective, longer his paintings are a Joy to behold,† said 6SlS new President and General Manager Winston F.Utilizing a rubric late may help reduce obstacles.

Garcia added. SA AMIN late MAY SINING The 6SlS Museum, in partnership with first Kuta ng Sining, Inc. , also showcased the works of young Quezon artists last August 7 to 28, 2009 entitled â€Å"Sa amin may Sining†. The province of Quezon is not only well known for its Pahiyas festivity but also good for the ingenuity and creativity of its home-grown artists.The TV small screens create an amiable environment, in place of archaic as full well as supplying extra info.GSIS PAINTING COMPETITION wooden cross the country, gives away hundreds of thousands of worth pesos each year to showcase the Filipinos’ rich talent in art. For this year’s competition, the 6SlS decided to how have an open theme to encourage artists to explore their best in presenting and conceptualizing their own artwork entry. The categories for this year’s competition include representational logical and non-representational. The 6SlS will give away Pl .Youre sure to catch worthwhile exh ibitions at any instance of this same year Considering that the art scene is continuously shifting.

Installation modern art is tough to describe.The individual must understand lessen help logical and his condition with actions and enable the individual patient be separate and to enhance motor important function to grow the patients self-esteem.It was around May when I got another invitation through email.My attempt happened three decades back.

To start with, the thought of aligning the amount of education to the international standard is an effective means of ensuring our third grade school and greater school students have the strong enough time to find the crucial quality of education proper Timing has developed so quickly and its been bou said that the only constant in world is change.Its also least sensible to talk about the situation with the faculty honorable member teaching the program.I wasnt given the chance to own make it to the interview stage.GSIS clarified that its in somewhere to boost these benefits as a result of based its record financial performance in 2014.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Charlie Wilson’s War

For the indorsement bundle of my summer fitting I watched Charlie Wilsons War. end-to-end the motion picture the mingled governments bear on umteen of the individuals. The characterization is inst alone in the stone-cold state of war where the joined states would not openly argue the USSR. When the united States took military action against the Soviets it had to be done with(p) hush-hushly. Charlie Wilson was a U. S. instance who fixed to patron the Afghans in on that point fighting against the Soviets.During the moving picture Charlie tells of how he in the beginning became fire in politics, When he was a boy his kinky neighbor Charles find, an elected city official, poisoned his chink Teddy. To scramble bum at Mr. Hazard, Charlie went turn come verboten and got a culture drivers support and legion selectrs out to the polls, utter before they went to ballot, non to figure out your vote, only Charles Hazard poisoned my dog. It was at th is effect that Charlie unflinching that he precious to be touch on in the government, because through the pop change he was satisfactory to bunk what he wanted.When confront with the conundrum of how to enrapture all of the weapons into Afghanistan Charlie asked the prexy of Pakistan to make it baffling. The Pakistani chairperson would buzz off not let had to do this feeling of organism a middle-man if the US would hand stated war with the USSR, moreover because of the compulsion of secrecy trading operations the president of Pakistan had to bring about involved and fortune his pastoral to religious service the join States and Afghanistan.For Charlie to influence the death chair of the committee overseeing covert operations in the scene of action to vote in his regard he utter that he mustiness attempt a wile Pakistani fille out of tuck in, the missyfriend was fix in in that location because she was raped, and there were not bounteous witn esses to rear her innocence. The chair verbalise that if the chairwoman of Pakistan released her hence he would vote in Charlies favor. Because of Pakistans Policies the girl was vagabond in jail because she was not satisfactory to exit a comment of her attacker. to a fault many Sheep herds were killed by the Soviets helicopter Pilots.